Signature Talks
Speaking Engagements & Workshops
Speaking available to any groups of women. Including but not limited to: women in business groups/events, masterminds, workplaces & corporate businesses, university students, school pupils.
How many times have you heard women in your workplace talk about food or dieting? Lack of energy, motivation, or confidence? How differently would your team act if they had more energy? Better understood their relationship with food? Had renewed motivation? Felt empowered in their body? …And how much would that change the overall workplace?
Physical and mental health is at the core of a thriving business. If staff, managers, and leaders aren’t on top form, the detrimental ripple effect on the businesses bottom line can be huge.
We spend most of our life at work, so ensuring the workplace is somewhere that we can progress our career, but also support our physical and mental well-being is important.
I come into workplaces (both in person and on Zoom/Teams) and speak to women about mindset, weight loss, food, health and exercise. The sessions are tailored and can be as long as you desire, whether that is a 1hr talk or a ½ day workshop.
I am deeply passionate about what I do. My talks are fun, engaging, motivational and cram a lot of content into a short period of time. The sessions help to boost morale in the workplace, decrease stress, increase productivity and increase motivation!
“You were amazing!! You need to package up your enthusiasm and sell it. Its contagious!” – Julie, Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust.
I also speak in schools and universities to pupils about the importance of nutrition, overcoming life’s pressures and hurdles, keeping a positive and motivated mindset, managing mental health, physical wellbeing and fitness.
What I Cover
Weight loss is not as simple as the food we eat, and the exercise we do, though those are both very important. It is a cycle made up of a multitude of factors. Your body is a direct result of your relationship to self and belief patterns. In order to get long term results, feel happy and aligned with your body and mind, you first have to understand the triggers around you. Life, work, relationships, the past, are all contributing factors to the food we eat, therefore the weight we are, therefore how confident and happy we are with our self image. This can then affect our relationship to self, colleagues, friends and family. The cycle then starts again. I help break down this cycle, and educate about it, so that women can stop dieting and have the positive effects roll out into all aspects of their life.
A handful of the topics I cover
- Emotional Eating And How To Combat It
- Stress – The Effects And How To Deal With It More Effectively
- Self Sabotage
- ‘Feast, Famine, Damage, Heal’ Cycle Of Dieting And How To Break Free
- Self Love And Acceptance
- How To Smash Through The Wall – why we can get caught up with nailing most areas of our life, apart from our health, body & weight. Why it’s easy to make some progress, but then life & work get in the way and we fall off track
- The Habit Forming And Breaking Process
- How To Feel More Motivated And Fulfilled In All Areas Of Life
- Imposter Syndrome & Beating Procrastination
I can create bespoke talks and packages to suit the required budget. Please email ar@alannahfitnessandnutrition.com or call 07767728655 to discuss.
